Discover Our Comprehensive Package Offerings

Our WebSphere Portal specialists are capable of handling complex WebSphere Portal issues. We are offering WebSphere consultancy covering all services related to WebSphere Portal including planning and designing a Websphere Portal environment,

WebSphere Portal administration, Setting up authorization in Portal environment and Re-branding the Portal.

For more than 10 years, the has designed programs for small businesses, large corporations, government agencies and non-profit organizations. We also provide exhibit management services for companies throughout the United States and all over the world. The company ensures that its clients gain most from their business and utilize every aspect of it.

WebSphere Portal server deployment
Installation on Windows/Linux/Unix (AIX) environments
Configuration, migration, administration
Integration with Lotus Domino
IBM Web Content Management and more
Designing and Portlet development using IBM Portlet API and JSR 168 Portlet APIs

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